History: NEW GAME!

1 year(s) ago

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Fresh高校を卒業して、幼い頃に夢中になって遊んでいたゲームを作った制作会社「イーグルジャンプ」へ入社した青葉は、そこでそのゲームのキャラクターデザイナーを務めていた八神コウと出会う。 out憧れの人の下で働くことになった青葉は、初めてのお仕事に戸惑いながらも、コウを始め個性的な先輩社員に助けられながら少しずつ成長していく。 of high school, 18-year-old Aoba Suzukaze is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and ready for her first day of work at her dream job. She’s joining the character design team at Eagle Jump, the company that makes her favorite video games! But the real world of office culture can be a challenge for a total noob. From her awkward first day to her first game’s debut, she’s got a lot of skills to master. Luckily, her charming determination wins over even her quirkiest of coworkers, and before she knows it, Aoba has joined the party! (Source: Funimation)ゲーム会社で働く女の子たちの日常を描いたお仕事ガールズコメディが今、幕を開ける!
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zesky18's profile pic
2 year(s) agoImported