History: Les grandes Grandes Vacances

8 month(s) ago

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InÉté September 1939,. Colette and Ernest, are11 welcomedans, byet theirColette, maternal6 grandparentsans, indeux apetits fictional village named GrangevilleParisiens, nearpassent Dieppeun inweek-end Normandy.en TheNormandie shortchez vacationleurs becomes semigrands-permanentparents. whenLa their father goes off to fight, following the mobilization of France toentre fighten theguerre invadinget Germanla Army,décision andest theprise poorde healthles oftenir theiréloignés mother,de requiredParis. toCe leaveséjour toqui bedevait treateddurer forquelques tuberculosissemaines ins’étendra asur sanatoriumles incinq Switzerland.années Thede twola little Parisians discover life in the countryside during wartimeguerre, includingse occupation,transformant Resistance,en deprivation,« butgrandes alsograndes lifevacances with friends.».


Animation Adventure
Auto-filled cover art and description.
Jason Jacques
2 year(s) agoImported