History: 心动的瞬间

9 month(s) ago

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An extraordinary girl meets the swimming legend with zero experience in romance. What will happen when one shock makes him fall in love with her at first sight? Mei Weiwei is born with a natural frequency. When she's not paying attention, one look at her and guys can be electrified to the point of falling in love. It's a troublesome trait that Mei Weiwei hid as she entered college since she wants to be ordinary just like everyone else. Things don't go as planned when everyone's ideal guy Mai Sichong gets 'shocked' by her. He is a swimming legend, outgoing and bold yet sensitive. He makes his feelings known as he starts to pursue her relentlessly. When the sports hero who knows nothing about love suddenly falls head over heels in love, what kind of courting will ensue?天生带电的少女梅微微,稍不注意就会让被电的男生对她产生一见钟情的感觉。带电的体质给梅微微的成长过程中带来了不少麻烦,因此她在上大学后极力隐藏自己带电的秘密,希望成为人群中不被关注的小透明。不料,刚入学不久就阴差阳错地“电”到了张凌赫饰演的校园男神麦司冲,外表张扬、内心纯粹的麦司冲对梅微微一见钟情,并且大张旗鼓地向她发起了恋爱攻势。运动健将麦司冲开启无脑倒追模式,啼笑皆非的追爱之路酸爽甜燃,分分钟让你感到“自己恋爱了”!
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Tofu Meow
2 year(s) agoImported