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adrian7 | 1 year(s) ago | Image URLDescriptionWithinAu thesein de la DGSE (GeneralDirection DirectorateGénérale forde Externalla SecuritySécurité Extérieure), ale departmentBureau calleddes theLégendes Officeest Ofun Legendsdépartement (BDL)très formsspécial andqui remotea pilotpour themission mostextrêmement importantdélicate agentsde ofgérer thedes Frenchagents intelligencedes services: Immersionrenseignements infrançais hostileun country,peu theirparticuliers. missionAppelés is« toClandestins identify», individualsces whoagents maysont beenvoyés recruited« assous sourceslégende of» information.: Operatingils "underdisposent caption",de thatcouvertures istrès to say in a fabricated identity from scratchcomplètes, theyleur livepermettant forde manyrepérer yearsde inpotentiels ainformateurs permanentpouvant duplicity.être Our hero just returned from a clandestine mission six years in Damascusrecrutés.
contraryIls topeuvent whatainsi isvivre requireddurant byde safetynombreuses rules,années heà does not abandon his legend and the identity under which he lived in Syrial’étranger, thusmenant puttingune indouble danger the whole systemvie. TagsActionDramaSpy
Thriller | Auto-filled cover image and description. |
connor | 2 year(s) ago | Imported |