History: Hermes e Renato

1 year(s) ago

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HermesUm edos Renatogrupos iscômicos amais Brazilianousados comedy troup,vistos theyna started in 2000 and still continuetelevisão. They have a show on MTV Brasil. They cited "Os Trapalhoes"quadros asda onetrupe ofnão theirpoupam biggestnada influences.nem From 2000 to 2005 they have a comedy sketch show. In 2006 they produced a "Soap Opera" called O Proxeneta, a history about a businessman called Franco Faraco who owned a toilet company who was hit by a car driven by a Man with Black Boots and gets into a coma. The show was more about the people who knew Faraco. Later in the same year they've done another Soap called Sinha Boça who tells the history of one of the most loved character of the sketches show, he is an ordinary guy who goes to college and gets arrested because his rival incriminates him. In 2007 they started a new showninguém: Telao Class,mundo indas which they redub old trash and B-moviesartes, creatingdo a new script under itesporte, alwaysda usingpolítica loads of curse words and sarcasm... one of the episodes even got censured by MTV Brazile, due to its raw humor... Now they've returned to the sketchesclaro, doingda aprópria Matrix parody in which their sketches are made only in their head on computer programtelevisão.
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Looney Tunes
2 year(s) agoImported