History: とつくにの少女

1 year(s) ago


Once昔々、遠く遥けき地に二つの国ありて――。 upon a世界は「内」と「外」に分断、 time, in呪いをもたらす異形が棲まう地は“外つ国”と呼ばれ、 a far,人々から恐れられていた。 farawayある日、人住まう地“内つ国”との国境で place, there一体の異形が打ち捨てられた were死体の中から一人の少女を拾う。 two lands.少女は自らを「シーヴァ」と名乗り、 The world自身を拾った異形を「せんせ」と慕った。 was相容れぬ者同士が出会ったのち紡がれる、 divided into an inner land and an outer land. People feared the outer land, inhabited by eerie beings, the carriers of curse. One day, on the border to the inner land inhabited by humans, one such being finds a girl on heaps of abandoned dead bodies. The girl says her name is Shiva and shows affection to the "being" who found her, calling him "Teacher." This is a story of two people—one human, one inhuman—who linger in the hazy twilight that separates night from day.密やかな調べ――。
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2 year(s) agoImported