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adrian7 | 1 year(s) ago | Image URLDescriptionThe comedy manga centers around a super-powered girl named Hina and Nitta, a young member of the yakuza. Hina suddenly appears in Nitta's room and threatens him with her extraordinary powers. However, they end up living together.
(Source: Anime News Network)芦川組を支える若きインテリヤクザ、新田義史は大好きな壺に囲まれ、悠々自適な独身生活を送っていた。ところがある日、謎の物体に入った少女ヒナがやってきたことで生活が一変。念動力が使えるヒナに脅され、同居を余儀なくされてしまったのだ!暴走しがちなヒナは組関係でも学校でもやりたい放題。頭を抱える新田だが、気のいい性格が災いしていつも面倒を見る羽目に。一体、この生活はどうなってしまうのか?お人好しなアウトローと気ままなサイキック少女の危険で賑やかな日常が始まる! | Auto-filled cover image and description. |
zesky18 | 2 year(s) ago | DescriptionOneThe night,comedy amanga strangecenters objectaround fallsa onsuper-powered thegirl headnamed ofHina and Nitta, a young member of the yakuza. Inside the box is a strange young girl named Hina. Shesuddenly hasappears tremendousin supernaturalNitta's powers,room and Nittathreatens findshim himselfwith reluctantly taking her in.extraordinary Her powers. can come in handy for his yakuza businessHowever, butthey heend alsoup runsliving the risk of her using them on him! Not to mention, if she doesn't use her powers, she will eventually go berserk and destroy everything around hertogether.
and(Source: Hina'sAnime strangeNews life together is just beginning...Network) TagsActionAnimation (Anime)ComedyConspiracy
DramaScience FictionSlice of LifeSupernatural | Changed synopsis to include source and added genres. |
Ham&Cheese | 2 year(s) ago | Imported |