Comprehensible Russian Podcast | Learn Russian with Max

Comprehensible Russian Podcast | Learn Russian with Max


Target Language: ru flag Russian(Native Version)
Length:214 hrs(Avg: 39 mins)
Difficulty:33.3(2 rankings)
Rating:20.7(1 rating)
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Sample episode: 313 - Как найти себя в жизни. Моя история (3/5/2025)


Learn the Russian language? Is listening important when you learn a language? Yes it is! You can pick up words and see how the language works, but... If the information you are listening to is not clear for you, if you cannot understand what was said, does it make any sense? No! Absolutely not! This podcast provides you different kinds of topics in Russian in a very comprehensible way. Repetitions, synonyms, explanations and slow speed of speech will be your bridge to understand the real Russia...

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