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adrian7 | 1 year(s) ago | TitleAttack on Titan進擊的巨人 Image URL![]() ![]() DescriptionSeveral107年前(743年),世界上突然出現了以捕食人類為唯一行為的「巨人」。巨人力量強大且有再生能力,人類無法與之抗衡,面臨滅種之災。面臨著生存危機而殘存下來的人類逃到了一個地方,蓋起了三重巨大的城牆包圍此地,令牆外巨人無法入侵。人們在這隔絕的環境裡享受了一百多年的和平。直到主角艾連·葉卡十歲那年,60公尺高的「超大型巨人」突然出現,以壓倒性的力量破壞最外圍的「瑪利亞之牆」(Wall hundredMaria),其後瞬間消失;牆外的巨人們在破壞的城牆缺口成群的衝進牆內捕食人類,人類只好退到第二重城牆之內。
ago,艾連在親眼看著人們以及自己的母親被巨人吞食後,僥倖逃入第二重城牆「羅塞之牆」(Wall humans were nearly exterminated by Titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest Titans. Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a Titan in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something horrific as the city walls are destroyed by a Colossal Titan that appears out of thin air. As the smaller Titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror as their mother is eaten alive. Eren vows that he will murder every single Titan and take revenge for all of mankind.Rose)內。懷著對巨人無法形容的憎恨,艾連誓言一匹不留殺死所有巨人。瑪利亞城牆崩壞的兩年後,艾連加入104期訓練兵團學習和巨人戰鬥的技術。在訓練兵團的三年,艾連在同期訓練兵裡有著其他人無法比擬的強悍精神力。就在訓練兵團結訓之前,超大型巨人再次出現並衝毀羅塞之牆,艾連隨訓練兵團一同與巨人作戰…… | Auto-filled cover image, title and description. |
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